Prizes: "When Koala Meets Panda" 2023 China-Australia Youth Short Video Contest
The short video contest will generate 12 Outstanding Awards, 4 Individual Awards, and the final award “Most Popular in China.”
Outstanding Awards: These will be selected from Individual Awards category, taking into account the video"s social media viewership, content, and production quality, qualifying them for the next stage.
Each prize will comprise an award certificate and a monetary reward of $200 AUD.
Individual Awards (4 Winners): After the short video collection cut-off date, four Individual Awards will be selected by our professional judges, including the Best Story Award, Best Editing Award, Best Presentation Award and Best Cooperation Award.
Winners will receive a certificate, a trophy, and a prize of $1,000.
Criteria for Award Evaluation:
Best Story Award: The most exciting and touching China-Australia story.
Best Editing Award: The best post-editing, professional, and creative video.
Best Presentation Award: The most creative and high-quality video presentation.
Best China-Australia Cooperation Award: The video exemplifies cultural collaboration and cooperation between the two nations.
Final Award: The "Most Popular in China" Award will be bestowed upon the video from the Individual Awards category with the highest viewership across Chinese social media platforms. The laureate will be granted an award certificate, a trophy, and an immersive one-week cultural expedition to China.
- Prizes: "When Koala Meets Panda" 2023 China-Australia Youth Short Video Contest
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